100% of your donations
go directly to the projects
We do not use donations for the administration of Motive Love
(such as transfer fees, accounting fees, legal fees, salaries, etc.).
go directly to the projects
We do not use donations for the administration of Motive Love
(such as transfer fees, accounting fees, legal fees, salaries, etc.).
You can make a one-time or recurring
online donations via the Donate button below.
This allows you to make donations from your paypal account, credit card or bank account directly to Motive Love.
online donations via the Donate button below.
This allows you to make donations from your paypal account, credit card or bank account directly to Motive Love.
You can send checks (made to the order of Motive Love Inc.) to support the effort of Motive Love at:
PO Box 385
Milford CT,06460
Motive Love is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Delaware corporation that is recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt entity. Motive Love’s tax ID is 46-0877666.